Did you find a particular comic that tickled your funny bone and want to save it to view again later? We call these favorite comics "SAVED Comic Strips."
Saved comics are from a particular date that you wish to view again, and they will not be updated daily.
You must be a registered member (Free or Premium) to use the "save" function, which is a pin icon located next to every strip on the site, and effectively "pins" the selected comic to your saved collection.
*Please also note that you are not authorized to download the comics to your machine/device, regardless of your membership level.
To review or re-read your saved (pinned) comics, simply select "My Comics" on the top drop-down menu (located in the top right corner of the screen) and then scroll down to "Saved Comics Strips."
Or, select "Saved Comic Strips" from the near top-center, blue navigation panel as shown here:
For information on how to add or edit your list of "Followed" comics, please click HERE.