Welcome to GoComics! We're so glad that you decided to join us!
To begin viewing your updated collection of Followed comics, you will need to add comics to your "Comics I Follow" list.
There are two ways to add comics to your list, but first, be sure to log in at www.GoComics.com with your email and password.
Congratulations on getting signed-in, you're on your way to getting your account setup!
Step One -
Select your default (empty) list that comes with your account, or create a new page.
*In the above example, there is already one list labeled as "Comics I Follow [1]." The default name of the empty list we include in your account will be labeled "Comics I Follow," unless you alter the name, such as by adding "[1 or 2]" or by creating additional lists.
*The above example (Comics I Follow [2]) is what a new page (or list) looks like before you've elected to add any features. Comics that have been added to a given list will appear as line items below "Comics I Follow" on the left-hand side of the screen, of which there are currently none.
As mentioned above, there are two ways in which to add comic features to a given list.
The FIRST way to add comics to a specific list (if you have more than one list) is to first load the list you wish to use (as we've done above).
Next, you may type the name of a specific feature into the search field located in the left-side column of the screen.
*In this example, I typed "Nancy," which provided three different features available to be added to this page of followed comics. Click on whichever of the results that I wish to follow, and it will be added to the list.
An alternative way to add features is by simply browsing the available features (meaning that you aren't currently following within this given list), shown in large brightly colored squares. When you see a feature you want to add, simply click on it (the feature will become faded) and the feature name will be added to the list located on the left side of the screen.
*In the above example, Adam@Home was added to the list of Followed Comics for this page.
The SECOND way to add comics to a page (best if you only have one list), is to load a specific comic page that you want to read.
*In the above example, I'm reading Nancy from 1/23/2020 and I've decided that I would like to add it to my list of Followed comics.
Next, click on the "Follow" button located below the feature name, which will then add it to your list and change from "Follow" to "Unfollow," which indicates that you are now following this feature.
Changes are saved automatically.
The next time you visit your account, you need only to load your list as you did in step one.